Parody Ad Campaign

 In Lessons and Ideas, Secondary

Parody Ad Campaign

by Lisa Laviolette

When you spoof an ad, you take elements of the ad that give it power, turn the message around, and show that it is ridiculous or even untrue.  Keeping in mind the three aims of advertising (an ad that CAPTURES and HOLDS our ATTENTION, and ultimately SELLS us the product being advertised) you will:

  1. construct a spoof ad, based on a product that already exists;
  2. analyse the content of your spoof ad (deconstruct your visual);
  3. present your creation through a parody advertising campaign, including a print, and radio or television commercial.

Designing the Parody Print Ad:

  1. Decide on the kind of product you would like to parody in an ad (remember you are parodying an advertiser who poses social or political implications.
  2. Give your product a logo.  Devise a brand name (recall Ogilvy’s insistence that the name is the personality of the product; the name gives it meaning, a feeling, an innuendo)
  3. Design your product and packaging – consider the shape, colour, lettering and art work; consider camera angles and lighting.
  4. Construct a catchy and memorable slogan.
  5. Design the ad using a variety of advertising techniques and psychological appeals.

Analyzing the Parody Print Ad:

Examine the following in a presentation:

  1. What is being made fun of in the ad?
  2. How is the original ad constructed? (use of camera angles; lighting)  How does that differ from your parody?
  3. What psychological appeals did the original advertiser use?  What psychological appeals did you use in your parody ad?
  4. What advertising techniques in the parody ad changed or remained the same compared to the real ad?
  5. How does the construction of the ad alter the original advertiser’s version of reality?
  6. What social values are you questioning in your ad?  Did the parody ad change how you look at the original advertisers?

Presenting the Parody Ad Campaign:

Your presentation will be designed as an advertising campaign and will include:
a)  parody magazine ad and analysis
b)  TV spot – create a story board for your TV commercial; you also have the option of filming it or presenting a well-rehearsed live version of it (maximum 30 seconds) OR radio spot – create a radio commercial; consider a jingle/music/words (maximum 15 seconds)

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